Promised Land is a post apocalyptic survival game.This game has a huge game map for you to explore. 
Your goal, your only goal is to gain entry into the Promised Land. No endless side missions. Take on only the missions you want to take on while you focus on your goal. Be mindful that your actions during play could jeopardize your goal as any and all NPCs can be killed. This game has a permadeath level of hardness for those who think they've got what it takes.

Concept Art

What does the game look like?

These images are for illustration purposes only

What does the game sound like?

Have a listen to our composer's first track for Promised Land

Coming soon

Meet The Cast

Check back here for new additions to our video game voice over cast.

Lester Speight (Gears of War)

President Dwight Ward-Thompson. Set in a post apocalyptic future this man has the weight of the "free world" on his shoulders as he tries to hold together what is left of America.

T.W. Reed

Mr. Archer

Oselito Joseph

François Rush

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